There are several ways to authenticate with the server. How you end up authenticating depends on your web browser and the configuration of your network. One way is really simple and automatically happens behind the scenes. If you click on "Enter the Application" and you're not prompted for a user name and password, then you have been automatically logged in using your network user account, and you may ignore the rest of this page. Otherwise, if you are prompted for a user name and password you need to follow the directions below.
Logon DialogIf you are prompted for you user name and password with a logon dialog box, you'll need to know what domain you are in. This is the same domain that is listed when you log into your computer. If you need have trouble determining your domain, contact your computer help desk to have them help you. There are generally two types of logon dialogs you will see. One asks for your User Name, Password, and Domain; the other asks only for your User Name and Password. If there is a spot to put your domainlike logon box #1then enter in your user name, password and domain and choose OK. If there is only spots for a user name and passwordlike logon box #2you need to enter your domain and username together in the user name spot like this: <domain>\<user name>. For example, if your user name is "joe" and your domain is "city", then you would enter "city\joe". Enter your password and choose OK.
Logon Box #1: with Domain Logon Box #2: without Domain |
P&D Electronic Service Request | This page last modified February 22, 2006 |
Developed for Printing and Distribution by the Bureau of Technology Services |