Help for New Users


The P&D Online application requires you to authenticate with the server.  If you are a City of Portland User, your network logon will be your Logon Name for the application. Authentication is dependent on the network.

See Authentication for City Users, or Authentication for Non-City Users.

User Profile

If this is your first time accessing this application, you will be asked to create a new user account.  The application will open the Profile Entry form automatically if you have not entered a User Profile for your network logon.

See Maintaining Your User Profile

Using the Application

Unless your Organization has specified that new Users are to be individually reviewed and authorized for use, you can now enter requests. You will be limited to viewing the requests that you have entered unless your Organization Unit Manager has authorized wider privilege for your User Profile.

For more information, go to the Application Overview page.


P&D Electronic Service Request

This page last modified February 22, 2006

Developed for Printing and Distribution by the Bureau of Technology Services